Applications for the WA Training Awards (WATA) are now open! And if ever there was a time to take the leap and apply, this is it!

This year, WATA celebrates its 30th anniversary of recognising vocational education and training superstars.

WATA is the State’s largest awards program in the training sector and provides a national pathway for individuals and organisations to be recognised as the nation’s best.

WA winners* may go on to the Australian Training Awards which offer professional development and networking opportunities, as well as the honour of representing WA in their categories.

Find out here to see if you are eligible to apply for an individual category award, or here for organisation categories and award eligibility.

Key dates to mark in your calendars include:

Applications CLOSE                          26 April

Semi-finalists notified (individuals)   19 June

Judging Day (individuals)                  19 July

Judging Interviews** (organisations) 17 June to 28 June

Finalists announced                           August

Presentation Ceremony                     20 September

Australian Training Awards (Darwin) November (date TBC)

To keep up to keep up to date with all the latest information visit WA Training Awards and follow WATA on Facebook / Instagram / LinkedIn / Word Press.

*Does not include the Cultural Diversity Training Award or International Student of the Year.

**Organisational interviews are conducted virtually.